Meditation to get a good night sleep

The daily practice of meditation is a need for us to refresh our experience of physical and mental fitness. Our mind works all day and is very active even when our body is at rest. Due to overwork the mind feels tired and exhausted as reflected through more mental disorders. Agony, anger, frustration, stress results from excessive pressure on our brain. Insomnia or sleeplessness is a disorder that is often associated with underlying mental problems. Sleep at least 7-8 hours is a necessity for us otherwise you will not feel any energy at work. When the spirit invaded by the flood of negative thoughts many of us catch up on sleep. Meditation is an art that teaches us to sleep when we go to bed.

Mind has three stages – the conscious, subconscious and unconscious. The first is active for as long as we are awake. But the other two remain active all the time although we are not aware. Conscious mind is also called the superego which directs us to the moral code of behavior. Since respect for morality, we learn to repress our emotions. But when the desire to be buried, will be distilled down our unconscious and remains in sleep mode. Repressed emotions spring into action when both the body and the conscious mind is at rest. If the problem of bullying is not filtered withdrawal of the mind we can not get enough sleep. Like the incessant activity of tormenting problems, sleep disorders should be an ongoing problem. At this point, regular reconciliation will take you several advantages. Gradually, you can easily find how to get to sleep.

Sleeping disorder is of various types. Some persons fail to sleep at all while some do not have enough amount of sleep. Some persons do not experience sound sleep. But for all these problems, meditation is the ideal medication. If these persons pay a visit to a physician, they will be suggested to take sleeping pills. But resigning oneself to these medicines does not cure the problem. Stop taking them and you will have the same problem. Moreover, longer use of these pills gives birth to numerous side effects. On the other hand, meditation does not bring on any sort of ill-effect to the practioners. You not only learn how to get to sleep but also earn other benefits with diligent and daily practice of mediation.

When you enter into the meditative stages, all the pessimistic thoughts are swept away and the optimistic ideas rush to the abyss of mind to fill the void space. If mind is at complete peace, you will find it easier how to get to sleep. In a word, the invisible canvas of mind must be purged out of troubles and tension. But problems are too a part of our life. So, we must learn to keep them under control. Once we excel at channelizing our thoughts towards a positive and productive direction, a harmonious relation is established between our body and mind. Peaceful coordination among body, mind and soul is important to experience how to get to sleep. If ensuring mental relaxation is what you are in quest of, then learn how to meditate for beginners.

Teach kids to meditate

You can consider meditation as a method of relaxation, a life changing activity or one of the many new age trends. However, it is really a deep and ancient practice that increases one’s depth and connection to something beyond the ego. Further, people have realized that it is also good for kids as there are cases of ADD, ADHD, and aggressive behavior that have teen improved through this practice. In addition, it becomes a platform for the family to communicate on important subjects and not just stick to mundane topics. These inner lessons will be with the child throughout his whole life.

It is true that children do have a short span of attention, but they can meditate for a couple of minutes. In order to help them calm their mind, short meditation should be practiced by children. A few minutes can make a tremendous difference. In order to set an excellent example for children, as a parent it would be good to have a regular practice. Children imitate adult behavior and this would be an excellent example. If you meditate daily, the curiosity of the children will be at its peak.

If your child asks you what you are doing, try to keep it very simple. Tell them the reason for your meditation that they can understand such as that meditation increases happiness and creates inner calmness. Let your child know that when you feel anger or sadness it helps you to feel better. Allow them to sit next to you while meditating. You can give them a special meditation cushion of their own. Tell him to close his eyes and to begin breathing in and out slowly. Maintain silence for a few minutes, and then inform the children that meditation is to sit quietly for a while with closed eyes and continued breathing. Tell your child to breathe a little louder than usual and to listen to the sound of the breath. This gives an anchor for concentration.

You can set aside a few minutes before bed to meditate with your child. When the child is comfortable, tell him to breathe deeply through his belly, slowly inhaling and exhaling. This enables to calm both the mind and the body. For both the parent and the child this is an extremely wonderful experience.

You can make it varied by observing what your child enjoys. Find out the subjects and activities that are his interest, and create a scenario to unfold it in the mind of the child as you describe it. As the story will continue the child will add elements to the characters that inspire him. This way he will enjoy a story as well as learn meditation. You can pick a setting like the beach or watching a sunset.

Everyone wishes that children should develop good habits such as healthy eating habits and exercising. Teaching kids how to meditate is teaching them another good habit which they can practice for the rest of their lives.

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